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Matrix / Lauren Groff
Edité par Penguin Books UK. London - 2022
Born from a long line of female warriors and crusaders, and cast out from the royal court, Marie de france is sent to England to become the prioress of an abbey. marie wields her stength. Teaching sword fighting and dagger woek, she sets a bold new course for the nuns she leads, bringing herself and her sisters into richess and power. Texte en anglais.
- Type de document
- Fictions Adultes
- Langue
- anglais
- Description physique
- 1 vol. (260 p.) ; 19 x 12 cm
- année de publication
- 2022
- Cote(s)
- 820 GRO ang
- Sections
- Apostrophe Adultes
- 1-529-15786-2
- 9781529157864
- Numéro du document
- 9781529157864
- Popularité
- Document emprunté 1 fois ces 6 derniers mois
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